Umbrella Armory
Based on the need to provide a custom repair and tuning service for Airsoft, Umbrella Armory quickly saw a need for fully upgraded premium Airsoft rifles with a reliable and high-end service to go along with it. Initially found in the United States, one of the founders later brought the brand to Austria, where they created new precision upgrades for Airsoft, such as their renowned R-Hop Barrels, CNC HopUps, and complete suite of internal upgrades. Today Umbrella Armory is focused on creating high-end Airsoft Rifles under their own OCAW line of M4 rifles, which combines the best of the airsoft world in one system.
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Mo- Th: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Fr: 09:00 am - 2:00 pm
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